Parts Warranty:
Parts usually carry a warranty from a duration of 1 year to a Limited Lifetime Warranty. All parts warranty information will be included in every invoice. All warranties cover a one-time, 100% free replacement.
Labor Warranty:
Our labor warranty is equivalent to the warranty on the part(s) we installed, respective to the part, up to 3 years.
Customer Supplied Parts:
We do not warranty or guarantee any parts or labor for any services we do with customer supplied parts. Furthermore, any jobs that are not completed due to the wrong part supplied by a customer will still result in a service charge, mileage fee (if applicable) and any labor hours owed. If you choose to use your own parts, it is your responsibility to ensure you have purchased and supplied the correct parts for your Service.
Use only this form for Emergency Roadside Assistance Requests, or to request a service or a quote. Please include Year/Make/Model and License Plate Number/State. If this is for Emergency Roadside Assistance, please include cross streets, address and business name, if applicable.
From minor roadside assistance to mechanical repair, AutoMedix Mobile Repair and Roadside Assistance can help. Let's get you back on the road!